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Visiting Students


Amabily Bohn


Amabily graduated with a BS in Biology from the Federal University of Parana (UFPR-Brazil). In her Master's thesis (Botany Department - UFPR), she focused on describing the taxonomy and phylogeny of Cyclodium, a Neotropical fern genus. Currently, she is a Ph.D. student in the Ecology and Conservation Graduate Program of the Federal University of Paraná. She is interested in understanding the distribution patterns of ferns and lycophytes from the Atlantic Rainforest, encompassing taxonomic, functional, and phylogenetic diversities. Besides that, she aims to indicate priority areas for conservation of these organisms within the biome.

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Vinicius Anelli


Vinicius graduated with a BS in Biology from University of São Paulo, Brazil (USP). For his master's thesis, he studied the morphological evolution of snakelike lizards and the evolution of convergent patterns. He also visited Dr. Anthony Herrel's lab at Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle in Paris for six months in 2018, and had the opportunity to access preserved specimens from European and Brazilian collections.


Vinicius is currently a PhD candidate at Kohlsdorf's lab (USP). Following his love for collections and museums, Vinicius is interested in unveiling the global patterns of distribution of morphological diversity in lizards integrating evolution, biogeography and evo-devo using preserved specimens. During his year in New York, he also aims to 
provide new empirical evidence for future projections of the impacts of environmental change on biodiversity.


Marcela Brasil


Marcela has a Bachelor's in Biological Sciences from Centro Universitário São Camilo (2008-2011) and a Master's Degree in an Animal Biology by IBILCE/UNESP (2015-2017). She is currently pursuing her Ph.D in Evolution and Diversity at Universidade Federal do ABC with Prof. Ricardo Sawaya, where she is investigating the impacts of climate change on species richness, functional and phylogenetic diversity of amphibians and snakes in the Atlantic Forest of South America.


She is visiting the Carnaval Lab from September 2022 to August 2023, funded by the Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa de São Paulo (FAPESP).



City College of New York - Marshak Science Building 814

160 Convent Ave - New York, NY 10031

Phone: (212) 650 - 5099 Fax: (212) 650 - 8585




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