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Book Chapters

Paz A, Reginato M, Michelangeli FA, Goldenberg R, Caddah MK, Aguirre-Santoro J, Kaehler M, Lohmann LG, Carnaval AC (2020) Predicting patterns of plant diversity and endemism in the tropics using remote sensing data: A study case from the Brazilian Atlantic rainforest. In: Remote Sensing of Plant Biodiversity. (eds Cavender-Bares J, Gamon J, P T), pp. 255–266 Springer, Cham.


Moritz, C and Carnaval AC. In press. Evolutionary biogeography and conservation on a rapidly changing planet: building on Darwin’s vision. In Darwin Today. W Brown & AC Fabian (editors). Cambridge University Press, UK.


Verdade VK, Carnaval AC, Rodrigues MT, Schiesari L, Pavan D, and Bertoluci J. In press. Decline of Amphibians in Brazil. In: Status of Conservation and Decline of Amphibians: Western Hemisphere. H. Heatwole, C. Barrios-Amorós and J. Wilkinson (editors).  Volume 9 in: Amphibian Biology, H. Heatwole (ed.), Surrey Beatty and Sons, Pty. Ltd., Sydney. Australia.


Pounds A, Carnaval ACOQ and Corn S. 2007. Climate Change, Biodiversity Loss, and Amphibian Declines. In Amphibian Conservation Action Plan: IUCN/SSC Amphibian Specialist Group. Gascon C, Collins JP, Moore RD, Church DR, McKay JE, Mendelson JR III [editors].  Glands, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK.


Dos Santos EM and Carnaval ACOQ. 2002. Anfíbios Anuros do Estado de Pernambuco. In Diagnóstico da Biodiversidade de Pernambuco. Tabarelli M, Silva JMC [eds]. Massangana, Recife, Brazil.


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